The Way of Love

The Way of Love is a way of life. It’s a commitment to follow Jesus: Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest.

These are practices for a Jesus-centered life.

Getting Started with The Way of Love

 1. Read Presiding Bishop Curry’s invitation.

Where did this whole “Way of Love” come from? Is this something I have to do? Is this for everyone? Read this invitation letter to find out the answers to these important questions.

2. Watch this video that introduces the Way and each practice. Featuring images from across our common life in The Episcopal Church, this short overview explains the seven practices of the Way of Love: Turn. Learn. Pray. Worship. Bless. Go. Rest.

3. Use the “Introducing the Way of Love” document to reflect on practices and imagine how God is leading you to engage. 

This document explores how each of the seven practices – and a rule of life, itself – has a basis in Scripture and our Episcopal tradition. The question is: how can you engage those practices using your gifts, talents, and calling? Use the reflection and discernment questions to find out more. 

Explore more at The Way of Love site.  You’ll find further discussion items, links to more videos, and information on accessing podcasts here as well.